Ten Tec 1054 Manual

  1. Ten Tec 1054 Manual Download
  2. Ten Tec 1054 Manual 2017

As one of my goals is to make the majority of the gear I will be using in my current non-existent shack, I have been spending some time the last few evenings surfing the net looking for some basic receiver kits to take on. After more than 12 years without even looking at a resistor let alone trying to solder one onto a board, a kit seems a wise investment. In my search, I pretty much scoured the nethers of the web with two contenders standing strong in after the dust settled – Ramsey Electronics and Ten-Tec. In the end, while Ramsey Electronics had a slew of interesting receivers, they were all fairly special purpose like an 118 MHz to 136 MHz Aircraft band, or 50 to 100 KHz SCA band and even one specifically for the 4 to 20 MHz single sideband range and running at about $48 a pop. Unfortunately, they didn’t offer a kit that ‘did it all’.

The good people at Ten-Tec on the other hand had two kit models that really peaked my interest – a four-band receiver (model 1054) for $39 and a very cool nine-band (model 1253) for $89. Both are based on regenerative circuits, precursor to “modern” superheterodyne circuits invented by famed Edwin Howard Armstrong, the father of FM. PV Scientific Instruments has a great article entitled, “About Regenerative Radio Receivers” that breaks down of the importance of the regenerative circuit to early 1900’s radio communications. Poking around further, I found that Wikipedia had another article on how regenerative circuits work from a technical perspective. In short, the circuit is cheap, has a low component count and is super effective – right up my alley.

As this was my first attempt in electronics in a long while, I decided to take the cheaper of the two options and ordered model 1054 four-band receiver rather than springing for the 9-bander. When added to the new oak cabinent they sell for the 1054, the total with shipping came out to $91.21. Sadly, this morning, I received a response back from Stan Brock (WD0BGS) at Ten-Tec this morning saying that there is going to be a delay in sending out the kit. He estimated that the kit and oak enclosure *should* be in the mail on Tuesday. I hate when business’ use the word *should* in email. But, I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. I guess the extra time will give me a chance to run down to Radio Shack to get a soldering iron, solder and little other goodies.

Ten Tec 1054 Manual Download

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Ten Tec 1054 Manual 2017

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